
Liturgical MinistriesMinisterios liturgicos

Liturgical Ministries

At the center of our faith as Catholic Christians is the gathering of the faithful for the celebration of the Eucharist each Sunday. It is our worship which forms us and reminds us who we are, members of the Body of Christ.

One of the gifts of the Second Vatican Council is the insistence on the importance “that all the faithful be led to that full, conscious, and active participation in liturgical celebrations called for by the very nature of the liturgy.” [Sacrosanctum Concilium #14] We can no longer be content to “watch” Mass being “said”, or be satisfied with being in the same room with the Mass while we pray the rosary or a litany. Now we are fully expected to pay attention, listen mindfully, and participate in a Mass that is structured to be sung as much as said.

The people are called to serve in many roles in the liturgy, primarily as members of a united assembly. Some are needed to serve in other roles as well, fulfilling other duties that contribute to the celebration of the liturgy.

Altar servers, lectors, extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist, psalmists, cantors, other musicians, sacristans, commentators, and ministers of hospitality are all needed to fill the roles that are not proper to a priest or deacon.
(click on any links for more information)

Current ministry schedules are easily accessible under the Calendar/Events part of the menu.